This page gathers the materials covered during the OpenFOAM training on combustion organised by the BURN joint research group in Brussels from the 3rd to the 5th of July 2017.
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Day 1: crash course
Example of functionObjects for residuals.
Using functionObjects for plotting results along a line or at a probe location.
Sandbox application to try or debug your pieces of code.
Day 2: models
Application of setFields to initialise a flame temperature field.
Initialise a flame with a one-step mechanism.
Implement your own model: example of EDM.
Day 2: TDAC
Application of TDAC to counterFlowFlame tutorial.
Application of TDAC to chemFoam iC8H18 tutorial.
Implementation of a new mechanism reduction method: DRG_DFS.
Day 3: Application to RCM
New reactingEngineFoam solver.
Updated engine library implementing free piston motion.
Example of piston position according to time.
Computation of temperature inhomogeneity with functionObjects.
Test case with block mesh parametrisation and brute force optimisation.
Additional information
Based on the discussions during the training, we have gathered additional materials or starting point to solve some issues.
An important topic discussed during the training is running in parallel. OpenFOAM recently included a new strategy for parallel IO which would improve very much the cases in combustion, the total number of files being an issue.
Many of you noticed a bug with ParaView 5.4. The developers have already addressed the issue and it is now fully compatible.
Useful tutorials to help you solve some of your issues:
- Conversion of fluent meshes to openfoam: tutorials/incompressible/icoFoam/elbow
- Example of Adaptive Mesh Refinement (multi-phase here): tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/laminar/damBreakWithObstacle
- Flame propagation: tutorials/combustion/XiFoam
More informations about radiation can be found in the source files (.H):
- models:src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/radiationModels
- boundary conditions: src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/derivedFvPatchFieldsMore details on our work with EDC: new EDC model and analysis
If you are looking for additional trainings on OpenFOAM, we recommend you the official courses organised by the developers.
The robust optimisation framework developed at VUB, see also Euforia project.